Sunday 18 October 2015

Film Festival Trip

Last Thursday (the 22nd I believe) most of the year one and year four CyberARTS students took a field day to go to an independent native film festival. There were several short films, none of them personally offended me although quite a few of them were a bit pretentious. The one I liked the most was called "Ka Mitshelitakuess Auass" or "The Child who Hammered Nails".

This 3 minute film focuses on a father and a daughter, who we can only observe through their silhouettes against a rough wooden wall. I'll quickly sum up the story. This father gives his son (who's silhouette looks that of a girl) a bag of nails. He tells her to hammer one into the wall every time he gets impatient. He does this, and eventually runs out of nails. He than tells him to take one out when he can control his temper. He does this. Then he tells him about how he may have pulled them out which was a metaphor for him apologizing for his attitude. But the nails also left their mark, something hard to forget. 

I liked this one, for the visuals and the meaning. Although the meanings are explained by the father, it would sort of make him a bad dad if he didn't explain to his young child. My only real gripe is that they used a Kevin MacLeod piece. You see, Kevin MacLeod is quite the musical genius yet he allowed all of his music to be used by anyone, like anybody. All he asks is for credit in whatever it's used in. If you don't want to credit him you'll have to pay the exorbitant price of around 10 dollaridoos. I'm sure you've heard his music before, it's quite popular among YouTubers and hack independent game designers (the kinds who can't make music.) I immediately recognized it too, it was "Amazing Plan"*, one of his moderately popular tracks. And in the credits I see Kevin's name. I just find that if you're a content creator, even Indie, you should either pay up or create your own music (the Stanley Parable is an exception, great use of one of his tracks). I just find it kind of shallow. Either way, I still like this film, especially it's visuals. 


Also, here's a screenshot, only one other seems to exist through a quick search.

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